Advantages To The Mentor, The Mentee And The Organization

You will hear it often from professional and college athletes, “one of the things I am here for and enjoy most is helping the younger players on and off the field.” Management (and coaches) appreciate it and many times reward it.

This article explains the advantages and some of the details. Mentoring (coaching) improves the company’s culture as it aids employee growth and development. It adds to professional satisfaction among employees (mentees) and the mentors, themselves. Overall employee moral improves and, as a result, the whole organization improves its’ chances of achieving their goals. These are all good things for you and your business.

I’m associated with a company that structures its’ entire business model on the concepts of mentoring and coaching. Compared to the traditional business structure in which I used to work, this encouragement to help others succeed has made ME more successful and has made my endeavors more satisfying and more lucrative, as well. So find a mentor or someone to mentor. You will improve every day as a result. 

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