My secret’s out

I don’t know who needs to hear this but…my secret is out!
I get all of my family’s beef delivered to my home for about
$120 – $130 depending on which cute I select. Yes, and
this beef has:
• no added hormones
• no antibiotics
• no jabs or unwanted vaccines and
• it is humanely raised.

I priced out several other companies and even used a competing company for a long while before I
found this company. In the interest of full disclosure, I have purchased some beef from local farmers when it’s available, or in case we run out. It’s similar in quality, but it is more expensive than this company’s plan.

If you need an option that your budget can afford – this, I found, is hands down the best option.

I haven’t purchase store-bought beef for more than a year, and I’m so thankful that I can honestly say I
I know what is in my meat.

TI encourage you to take care of your family’s wellness wherever you can!

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