Are you heading for a Snaccident?

“When you don’t plan ahead SNACCIDENTS happen! A friend has a long night ahead of him working a casino. Eating junk food and working until 4am is the perfect recipe to weaken the immune system and feel like crap. A few minutes of prep and he can munch away all night and put the odds in his favor to feel good tomorrow.

Like most individuals, i tend to ” get snacky” in the evening. To combat a potential snaccident, I often resort to Fiberwise. This stuff is amazing after dinner as a “dessert”. It helps to keep me feeling full and satisfied while eliminating my desire for late night snacks.

Over time, I have developed different hunger patterns and no longer have a desire for evening snacks!

It always matters what you eat! FYI, I have never had anyone deny me entrance when I show up with my own food.

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