How Often Do You Prepare Home Cooked Meals?

Home-cooked meals offer so many benefits:

  • A reduction in process food consumption — Processed foods generally contain higher levels of unhealthy fats, sodium, dyes, preservatives and added sugars.
  • An increase in the use of fresh produce and whole grains — This can lead to a diet rich in essential nutrients and lower in harmful additives.
  • A greater awareness of portion control and mindful eating — The process of cooking makes us slowdown and make us more aware of how much we put on our plates.
  • Cultivation of life skills — Involving our children in meal prep teaches them healthy eating habits and important life skills they will need as adults.
  • Enhanced mental health — Research shows that creating a meal can positively enhance mood as the creative process helps one experience a sense of achievement.

But there’s a bigger picture. Studies suggest that frequent family dinners help prevent issues such as eating disorders, alcohol and substance use, depression, and suicidal thoughts in teens.

We live in a world where we are less connected than ever before, so why not use cooking as a way to build friendships and family relationships!

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