American produce

I read an article recently that supported something I already knew:  American produce has lost a lot of it’s nutritional value… in some cases up to 80% or more.

For example If you wanted to match the vitamin A content of an orange grown in 1940s, you would have to eat eight oranges grown today. 

The potato, for instance, has lost 100 percent of its vitamin A content, 57 percent of its vitamin C and iron, and 28 percent of its calcium.


Erosion of the topsoil plus degraded soil quality. There are other reasons, but these are the 2 primiary causes of the loss of nutrition in fruits and vegetables. Years ago, farmers rotated crops, allowing time for the soil to replenish itself. But in recent times, American farmers are under financial pressure and their fields are not given the adequate amount of time to replenish the mineral content needed to sustain healthy produce. For reference, 3 inches of topsoil require 1,000 years to build, but only a few modern farming seasons to destroy.

One other note: according to one study, organic food could have a nutritional advantage over conventional food because organic produce has between 20 to 30 percent more nutrients. But that’s still not enough to make up what we our bodies need.

Hence, the need for supplements. But can you trust your supplements that they are actually getting absorbed into your body?

Stay tuned for me to teach you what to look for when it comes to your supplements!

Be Happy & Be Healthy!

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