The power of broccoli

Broccoli is one of those foods you must always have in your grocery basket! 
I know I do. I often eat broccoli and in various forms, steamed, roasted, raw, in soups, stews and salads.
It’s been a staple in my kitchen for years.

Why do I believe broccoli is an essential part of my diet? Well,

  • It has strong anti-cancer properties. Studies have shown that is reduces the number and size of breast cancer cells.
  • One study shows that it helps to eliminate prostate cancer cells and reduce tumors by half.
  • It contains a high amount of fiber and antioxidants which work together to reduce inflammation and help with digestion and elimination. That, in itself, helps to prevent cancer from growing.

To me, this is THE most important vegetable we can eat. Plus, we have so many options on how to prepare it: In soups, stir fry’s, raw, steamed, etc. I truly believe everyone should make it a regular diet item throughout the week!

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