Colorectal cancers are the third leading cause of cancer mortality rates in the US with over 100,000 new cases of colon cancer and over 40,000 new cases of rectal cancer reported in 2020.

There is evidence linking that eating a high-fiber diet from whole grains and cereals can lead to a lower risk for colon cancer. Fiber also improves satiety and prevents overeating. It prevents obesity, which is linked to higher cancer risk. Healthy sources of fiber include barley, beans, nuts, fruits, and peas.

But getting enough fiber every day can be challenging. Women need 28 grams/day and men need 35 grams. So here’s my tip:

Russ and I add our Fiber mix to our protein shakes. By mixing it in the blender, you’d never know we were drinking fiber! Plus one serving of my favorite fiber mix is 15 grams! That makes it super easy to get the right amount every day!

But here are other ways to add 15 grams of fiber:

  • Breakfast: Switch from juice to ½ to ¾ cup of fruit on cereal, sliced on toast or eaten out of hand: + 2 more grams of fiber
  • Lunch: Swap 2 slices white bread for whole-wheat bread: + 2 grams of fiber. Instead of potato chips, choose 1 cup of raw pepper strips or other vegetables: + 1 gram of fiber
  • Afternoon snack: Instead of a candy bar, tide yourself over with an ounces of nuts: + 2-4 grams of fiber
  • Dinner: Replace part of the chicken or meat in your stir-fry, chili or casserole with ½ cup of black beans or lentils: + 8 grams of fiber
  • TOTAL: 15-17 grams of additional fiber

Fiber matters!

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