Are you reading your labels? Maybe you should!

At the beginning of this year, the USDA established some new rules for labeling on controversial modified crops and ingredients. Previously, these rules varied state by state and now there is a more universal approach to labeling “BE’s”.

Simply put, bioengineered food is any food that’s been genetically modified, or GMO’s. Below is a small taste of some of our food supply that has been are genetically modified/bioengineered, but I could post dozens of foods.

These actually say that they are BE in tiny letters but many others don’t. They can just put a BE seal, a QR code that you have to scan or a phone number. 

Most children’s cereals, PopTarts, Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup, Dannon Light & Fit yogurt, 

Believe it or not, even Argo Baking Powder has bioengineered ingredients in it.

This is a controversial subject. Some feel strongly about it, while the government will tell you GMO’s are safe.

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