My favorite online shopping club

When you shop on Tuesday, your package is scheduled to arrive on Monday, but it shows up three days later, on Friday morning before a hurricane hits. Just in time delivery or what some of my fellow shoppers would call a shopping club win.

I used to think that I had to choose between buying inexpensive toxic household and personal care products over those more expensive, safe, non-toxic products. That is until I found this amazing shopping club 20 years ago where I can have both…safe, non-toxic products AND affordability!

I was never more grateful for my online shopping club than I was during those Covid lockdown years! With the Covid lockdowns, empty shelves due to supply-chain issues and now these crazy inflation costs are even affecting big box stores like Costco, Target and Walmart. This shopping club just didn’t have those issues (although they did limit the number of hand sanitizers you could buy at one time). There were also no supply-chain issues. All thru the lock downs, I still got my monthly shopping order delivered right to my door on time.

All of the products and packaging are made in the US and that makes a huge difference. I also save money every month because of the just in time manufacturing and deliver.

Not only am I a non-toxic purchaser, I am a bargainshopper! I like a deal and I like saving. I can’t add up the thousands of dollars I have saved by shopping at my shopping club for my monthly household and personal care necessities over shopping at Walmart!

Cheers to 19 years since ditching the bleach and all the other toxic products I used to buy, beating inflation and putting my family first and never looking back.

I am a life-time happy shopper.

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