Elevating Vitality

Sometimes, with all that we do, you just need a boost. Something to make you feel more energetic to keep up with your busy day. But with already two cups of coffee under your belt, you want extra energy without the caffeine.

Energy drinks — sugary, caffeinated beverages that are supposed to provide a quick pick-me-up — have been taking some hits lately. What do you do if you want to cut down the sugar and the caffeine?

Well, my favorite, Vitality Elevate
B-Fuel delivers the energy I need!

Vitality Elevate™ B-FUEL  contains five proven B vitamins, including 1,000% of your daily value of B6 and B12, combined with a natural antioxidant blend to give you the boost you need in a caffeine-free energy shot.

I like to keep it around for when I need a boost.

Did you know…

  • Research indicates athletes who lack B vitamins may have reduced high-intensity exercise performance and are less able to repair
    damaged muscles
  • B vitamins are water-soluble and should be replenished to support a
    healthy body
  • B1 (Thiamin)—Helps the body break down carbohydrates and release the energy for use by the body
  • B2 (Riboflavin)—Helps release the energy from foods containing protein and/or fat
  • B3 (Niacin)—Assists in the production and release of energy stores, especially during vigorous training
  • B6 (Pyridoxine)—Supports over 100 enzymatic reactions, including proper nutrient metabolism for energy production
  • B12 (Cyanocobalamin)—Supports healthy production of red blood cells, the synthesis of DNA, and energy production A deficiency has been linked to fatigue, weakness and poor memory. Drinks that contain it help convert carbohydrates into glucose in the body, fighting off lethargy.


Sweet Potatoes

400% of your daily vitamin A requirements are provided by one medium sweet potato. The article below from MedicalNewsToday tells us the health benefits don’t stop there. Along with that generous dose of Vitamin A, sweet potatoes contain loads of fiber and potassium.

The additional benefits of this magical “spud” include decreasing the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and overall mortality. Read on and you will be informed of how each of these risks as well as blood pressure, cancer, digestion, fertility, immunity, inflammation and even vision are affected by the nutritionally packed sweet potato.

Find ways in your daily diet to include this recognized “super food” and your health can and will be, improved. As you read on you will find additional ways that make it easy to adapt your daily food intake to include more sweet potatoes, more often.

Several of the supplemental products I use include sweet potato extracts, which helped me make these dietary transitions. They’re easy to use and very tasty and affordable. So the next time you reach for that white ”baker”, think a little bit sweeter and pop in a sweet and get some big advantages.

