I found an online shopping club

I found an online shopping club nearly 20 years ago with products that contain ingredients like those found at Whole Foods…but with competitive prices and shipping that rivals Walmart and Amazon Prime.

All I need to do is PICK, CLICK and my shopping’s done! All my essentials are delivered to my front door step within 48-72 hours. I no longer waste time or money by driving to the store or stores especially with today’s gas prices!

Now, who doesn’t like to save time and money?

I’m all about QUALITY and I find it’s even better when it’s at an excellent price.
The organic coffee Is so much better than what I got at Whole Foods… and it’s cheaper!
The Tub + Tile bathroom cleaner worked better than Scrubbing Bubbles, 409, and Ajax—not to mention it is so much safer!

The Tough N Tender crushed Mrs. Meyers cleaner and it smelled better, was more affordable and, it’s nontoxic so I could breathe a little easier all-around.

The Sol-U-Guard rocked my world when I found out it was better than Lysol. Remember when everyone was fighting over Lysol during COVID? This Sol-U-Guard is so much better than the competition. Plus, it is food safe while the coveted can of Lysol is not.

The next thing I knew, my shopping club products had taken over almost every area of my home including my essential oils, my skin care routine, deodorant, toothpaste, Band-Aids, fresh Riverbend Ranch Beef—even my sunscreen and my natural insect spray were from the shopping club. This store has almost fully replaced my shopping trips outside of fresh produce, chicken and fresh dairy products.

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