Do You Shop Online?

I’m curious, do you enjoy shopping online? Do you shop once a month, once a week, or more often?

In my hectic life, I’m constantly online shopping to save time or picking up my online orders at the store.

But this Online shopping club is my favorite :
It only offers American-made products, and it is a company that provides transparency on where our money
goes and what it supports.

By purchasing these American_made products we successfully reduced the toxins that were unknowingly entering our home
through cleaning supplies and personal care products, thereby safeguarding our babies and pets.

Plus, I started saving money on my purchases. Why? Because I’m are buying quality products that actually work, so I don’t need
to use as much as I did with other products!

My time in a supermarket has been drastically reduced and I rarely go to drug store. I get all of my daily consumables at this amazing shopping club—Including high quality beef.
It’s been twenty years, you know it has to be good if I’ve been a loyal customer that long!

20 year anniversary

This month marks 20 years of my partnering with the Best American Manufacturing Company a person could be blessed to find. How about you? Do you want to shop for better, safer, more natural products for your family? It truely couldn’t be easier!

I have been on a wellness journey

I have been on a wellness journey for more than 20 years. Over 19 years ago, I was introduced to the Wellness Company and it simplified my journey as this company has more than 600 products made with the best of science and nature. The company’s goal is to make the best products they can in the USA while offering families a safer and more natural way to care for the health of their family and their home environment without breaking the family budget.

If you are overwhelmed by all the information out there and are seeking a better health journey, let’s have coffee.

Don’t Miss a Single Messy Moment.

Some of life’s greatest memories also come with messes—dishes after family dinners, grass stains from backyard football, and paint splatters from crafts with the kids. With EcoSense, you can focus on the moments instead of the mess. EcoSense can easily clean it all up with highly effective formulas that are safer for your home, your family, and the environment. So enjoy the moment and embrace every beautiful mess!

Online shopping club

Does this sound familiar?

*Jump in your car and fight traffic to drive to Walmart/ Target/ Costco etc..

*Fight for a parking spot.

*You grab the cart with the squeaky wheel.

*Your list of 10 items turns into a cartful of 20 items!

*You deal with the kids screaming , “I want, I want!”

*You get in the checkout line that seems to NEVER move!

*Pack the car back up….drive home….bring the bags in…and then… realize you forgot to get what you went to the store for in the first place!

And let’s not forget the insane prices of everything!!

Well… can do all that…or shop where I shop.

NO inflated prices.

Fully stocked.

American made.


I help people set up online shopping accounts so they can break up with Wal-Mart.

No one should have to choose

I found an online shopping club

I found an online shopping club nearly 20 years ago with products that contain ingredients like those found at Whole Foods…but with competitive prices and shipping that rivals Walmart and Amazon Prime.

All I need to do is PICK, CLICK and my shopping’s done! All my essentials are delivered to my front door step within 48-72 hours. I no longer waste time or money by driving to the store or stores especially with today’s gas prices!

Now, who doesn’t like to save time and money?

I’m all about QUALITY and I find it’s even better when it’s at an excellent price.
The organic coffee Is so much better than what I got at Whole Foods… and it’s cheaper!
The Tub + Tile bathroom cleaner worked better than Scrubbing Bubbles, 409, and Ajax—not to mention it is so much safer!

The Tough N Tender crushed Mrs. Meyers cleaner and it smelled better, was more affordable and, it’s nontoxic so I could breathe a little easier all-around.

The Sol-U-Guard rocked my world when I found out it was better than Lysol. Remember when everyone was fighting over Lysol during COVID? This Sol-U-Guard is so much better than the competition. Plus, it is food safe while the coveted can of Lysol is not.

The next thing I knew, my shopping club products had taken over almost every area of my home including my essential oils, my skin care routine, deodorant, toothpaste, Band-Aids, fresh Riverbend Ranch Beef—even my sunscreen and my natural insect spray were from the shopping club. This store has almost fully replaced my shopping trips outside of fresh produce, chicken and fresh dairy products.