Central Body Fat

Fat, no matter where it is in your body, is not something that any of us desire. We diet. We exercise. It doesn’t seem to go anywhere. There are essentially two types of fat: Subcutaneous fat, the fat that can collect anywhere on the body. It is the “soft”, “pinchable” fat and visceral fat that is hard and usually appears as central body fat (right at the belly-line).

While there are indeed dangers to subcutaneous fat, it does not present the same level or volume of risk that visceral fat does. This article from Dr. Axe’ Food Is Medicine, focuses on the dangers of visceral fat, why it is so risky and the things you can do to get rid of it.

In general, what makes visceral fat so dangerous is that it collects around the organs. Certain types of body fat are really inflammatory diseases of their own. Visceral fat is excess intra-abdominal adipose tissue accumulation. It is deep fat that is stored deep under the skin, deeper than subcutaneous fat.

As this article clarifies, visceral fat is linked to many diseases, like cancer and coronary disease. It is by itself toxic and provokes the inflammatory pathways. It develops when communication between the brain and other major organs (the brain/body connection) begin to break down at its’ core are your blood sugar levels.

Increased inflammation, higher diabetes risk, difficulty in losing weight in general, higher risks of heart disease and stroke, dementia, depression and mood swings are just some of the consequences of excess visceral fat. The causes are overwhelmingly increased glucose in our bloodstreams. Controlling glucose is, therefore, the key to avoiding those consequences.

I take a supplement each day that controls the spikes in insulin and therefore the glucose that produces these and other problems. My company has developed and manufactures many high quality and affordable products that have helped me make the kind of adjustments in my lifestyle to keep it healthy and high energy.

Let’s Connect..

Barbara Hay
My Website

Is it a cold or the flu?

‘Tis the season for runny noses, itchy eyes, fever, and headaches. You have the flu…or is it a cold? It can be confusing. The bulletin linked below from Prevention Magazine can help you differentiate.

The flu hits you quickly and dramatically. You will often run a fever above 101F; it is accompanied by body aches and fatigue. You may have some other symptoms that “mock” the common cold, but you should seek treatment from your doctor within 48 hours of the onset.

Your cold symptoms are most commonly above the neck, but the common cold is not only caused by the rhinovirus but by any of two hundred other viruses. It is most effectively treated with over the counter “symptom-relievers”. You must be careful, however, not to mix multiple products, which can cause toxification.

Your flu, if that is your diagnosis, is most effectively treated by a physician prescribed anti-viral medication, but as I said earlier, it should come within 48 hours of your symptoms presenting themselves.

The best defense is an offense in the form of a healthy diet, adequate hydration and exercise. Naturally, avoid environments that may expose you to unreasonable risks of infection. You may also want to consider a regime of preventive supplements. My company develops and manufactures a full line of the purest, highest quality preventatives available. Take special care during the holidays and the winter and stay healthy.


Your Eyes and Nutrition

With November being National Diabetic Eye Disease Prevention Month, I don’t think it is necessary for me to point out how important your eyes are to the quality of your life. They are your windows to the world. Without good vision, reading is difficult, watching your favorite television shows and enjoying your favorite pastimes can be diminished.

As you will see in the below bulletin from All About Vision, nutrition plays a large part in your overall eye health. Antioxidants and other important nutrients can help reduce sight-robbing conditions and disease. The prevention of macular and lens degeneration and even conditions causing “dry eye” become more and more necessary as our eyes mature.

There are things that you can do to slow down and even reverse some of the risks associated with your vision. A proper diet can provide some of the protection you need to preserve your valuable sight. An open relationship with your ophthalmologist can help you avoid some of the risks can help you identify the proper levels of vision supplements you can be taking to make up for the nutrients that you may be missing in your diet.

Things like beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, lutiein, zeaxanthin, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc are some of the nutrients you should be aware of that should be included in your diet and supplements that you are taking daily. In general, include at least two servings of fish and plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables in your diet.

You will likely find that is often difficult to get all of what you need through diet alone. That is why I use supplementation of a highly pure and effective line of vision directed vitamins and minerals to assure my good ocular health.



It’s not necessary to point out how important your eyes are to the quality of your life. They are your windows to the world—without good vision reading is difficult; your favorite television shows provide diminished satisfaction and hobbies become less enjoyable. 

As you’ll see in the attached bulletin from All About Vision, nutrition plays a large part in your overall eye health. The prevention of macular and lens degeneration and conditions causing “dry eye” become more and more necessary as our eyes mature. 

There are things that you can do now to slow down and possibly reverse some of the risks associated with your vision. A proper diet can provide some of the protection you need to preserve your valuable sight. Antioxidants and other important nutrients can help reduce sight-robbing conditions and disease. An open relationship with your ophthalmologist can help you avoid some of the risks can help you identify the proper levels of vision supplements you can be taking to make up for the nutrients that you may be missing in your diet.  

Things like beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, lutiein, zeaxanthin, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc are some of the nutrients you should be aware of that should be included in your diet and supplements that you are taking daily. In general, include at least two servings of fish and plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables in your diet.

You will likely find that is often difficult to get all of what you need through diet alone. That is why I use supplementation of a highly pure and effective line of vision directed vitamins and minerals to assure my good ocular health.



From time to time, all of us have experienced  swelling in our feet, ankles, and hands. It is usually simple water retention. Pregnancy and injury are also causes of peripheral swelling or edema. Whether it is natural or another cause, it is uncomfortable and often unsightly.

Pregnancy will almost always produce some water swelling. In certain cases, even after giving birth, swelling or edema can occur. Most of the time, it isn’t serious, however, if it persists longer than a month, you should see your physician.

Injury, such as sprains from activities, can also cause swelling. This usually causes pain in addition to the swelling because of the inflammation caused by the injury. In these cases, prescribed or natural anti-inflammatories can bring a great deal of relief.

Water retention and edema can also be caused by lifestyle. Increased physical activity and dietary changes can help a great deal—whether for short-term relief, or to keep the condition from recurring. Some tips:
• Raise your feet above your heart as often as possible.
• Cranberry juice and dandelion tea have excellent diuretic effects.
• Reduce your sodium and caffeine intake.
• Reduce red meat and add fish three to five times a week and add or increase the fruits and vegetables in your meal plans.
• Carrots, asparagus, leafy greens, pineapple, and watermelon have particularly good diuretic effects and…
• Drink plenty of water.

If you are currently under a physician’s care for your condition, be sure to check with them before you add or replace your medical regime with a natural one. The company with whom I am associated provides many wellness solutions that can assist you in your switch to a less prescription based solution to your water retention and swelling in your extremities. Take the time to read the attached article from LiveStrong for some additional details and information.

Red Wine Has Many Benefits

That glass of red wine y at the end of your day or with your evening meal can provide more than just good taste. The article link below from Prevention explains the incredible benefits of drinking one (or even two) glasses of red wine every day.

Red wine is an important part of the “proven healthy” Mediterranean diet. Red wine contains resveratrol, which has been proven to produce many health benefits. It not only reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol, it increases HDL (good) cholesterol.

It protects your heart in other ways, too. The antioxidants in red wine can keep blood vessels flexible and reduce the risk of clotting. It is nearly as effective as an aspirin protocol without the risks of harm to your gut. Resveratrol also helps control blood sugar.

Resveratrol also can keep your memory sharp as you age. It inhibits the formation of beta-amyloid protein that causes plaque in the brain and has been connected with the onset of Alzheimer’s. If you hate getting sick, even things as minor as a cold can be guarded against by the antioxidants in red wine. The article also shares other benefits

The company I have partnered with has formulated several products that contain the good and science proven extracts of grapes so I am sure that I get enough resveratrol even if I don’t drink that glass of red wine. But who would pass that “life’s pleasure”? Cheers.



Sweet Potatoes

400% of your daily vitamin A requirements are provided by one medium sweet potato. The article below from MedicalNewsToday tells us the health benefits don’t stop there. Along with that generous dose of Vitamin A, sweet potatoes contain loads of fiber and potassium.

The additional benefits of this magical “spud” include decreasing the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and overall mortality. Read on and you will be informed of how each of these risks as well as blood pressure, cancer, digestion, fertility, immunity, inflammation and even vision are affected by the nutritionally packed sweet potato.

Find ways in your daily diet to include this recognized “super food” and your health can and will be, improved. As you read on you will find additional ways that make it easy to adapt your daily food intake to include more sweet potatoes, more often.

Several of the supplemental products I use include sweet potato extracts, which helped me make these dietary transitions. They’re easy to use and very tasty and affordable. So the next time you reach for that white ”baker”, think a little bit sweeter and pop in a sweet and get some big advantages.




Capsaicin is a molecular compound found in spicy peppers. It contains no calories or additional nutrients. It is used by many as a weight-loss supplement, sometimes in the form of cayenne pepper. It is extremely effective at “cranking” up your metabolism. While capsaicin can be quite effective in the weight-loss regime, there are other reasons to make it part of your diet.

Capsaicin, various studies show, has many more additional benefits. It may be helpful in delaying the spread of prostate cancer, according to a study at the UCLA School of Medicine. It can also be helpful and effective against H. pylori induced gastritis, which is a precursor of gastric cancer.

It may also be useful in fighting breast cancer, the second most fatal cancer in women. It has the ability to induce apoptosis in specific breast cancer cells. Another study in South Korea found that capsaicin might also kill breast cancer stem cells, which can avoid the recurrence of new, additional cancer cells. There is also evidence that capsaicin has an impact on primary effusion lymphoma (PEL), a form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma associated with HIV. In general, research abounds regarding the cancer preventing dimensions of capsaicin.

Capsaicin can be used to diminish the suffering of cluster headaches. It is a proven pain reliever, especially in cream form for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and certain other joint pain. It is also can be used to relieve the dry itchy skin of psoriasis. It has been very useful in reducing the reactions of blood sugar and insulin

And, yes, it is very effective in speeding the metabolism associated with lower body weight. It also suppresses appetite and increases overall physical endurance and athletic performance, a necessary component of successful weight-loss.

This article by Dr. Axe in the bulletin: Food is Medicine. Will give you a lot more detail.

Some of the things I was looking for and found in a supplement containing capsaicin was that it also contains green tea complex and green coffee bean extract. So pepper up your diet and get all of the benefits of capsaicin.




New Research Discovers That Depression Is An Allergic Reaction To Inflammation

New research is revealing that many cases of depression are caused by an allergic reaction to inflammation. It appears that people suffering from depression are loaded with cytokines, a class of proteins that facilitate intercellular communication. Inflammation is caused by obesity, high sugar diets, high quantities of trans fats, unhealthy diets in general, and other causes.

By treating the inflammatory symptoms of depression — rather than the neurological ones — researchers and doctors are opening up an exciting new dimension in the fight against what has become a global epidemic.   This  article in FeelGuide  explains the inflammation theory.

In the meantime, it may be a good idea to keep taking those nutritional supplements an antioxidants.  I have had tremendous results using products from a 30 year old company that develops and manufactures the most effective supplements available to consumers without prescription.