Does the concept of earning a secondary income from home intrigue you?

Let’s face it; there are many inviting things about a work from home opportunity.

Flexibility of your schedule, earning while you sleep, living debt free, being your own boss etc.  I am sure you have heard all the promises before but something has you skeptical. GOOD FOR YOU! There is a lot of reason to have that doubt!  News paper articles about the FTC shutting businesses down for bad practices, stories of people getting scammed out of investment money, stocking a crap load of product only to be stuck with it and sometimes even seemingly legit opportunities that have made many people money close their doors leaving thousands with shattered dreams. I’m here to tell you that it is not all bad!

My good friend Ed Bestoso shares with us in this quick 2 minute video a few of the reasons you should review when looking at different companies.  We are doing things for the right reasons with the right formula and the right way! If it makes sense to you, I have a checklist after the video to help you determine if you already shop for these products.





Do your research


Range Of Cost To Start An At Home Business

If you are thinking about starting your own business from home, this article will give you some valuable input. According to this SBA consultant, you can expect to invest at least $1000-$5000. Depending on the business it could be much more. There are also some collateral costs as well.

I was fortunate to find a business that allowed me to invest between $19 and $300 and it was all refundable within 90 days, if it didn’t suit me. The company is over 30 years old and boasts 1.5 billion in annual income.

The company also provides me with accounting, distribution, fulfillment, and new product development among dozens of support items, all at no charge. Below is a short video that includes a list of requirements I used to determine which company was most fitting for me.

Are you paying attention?

Point 1 – Established Track Record. Not only are we 31-years-old with consistent growth, but we just closed out our largest growth ever (32% GROWTH)! Wall Street would eat this company up – but that won’t happen. We are only able to stay true to our program, our customers and the mission statement if we are not clouded by the influence of investors.

Point 2 – Financially Sound. To our first point about Wall Street – We don’t need them! We have developed the infrastructure to grow by another 200% and it is all paid for by cash. When you have a vision and have planned appropriately for that vision that is when something special happens.

We are all very proud of this, but what does it really mean to you? If I didn’t know anything about this company and I was looking to better my personal future, I would spend a little time asking a few questions. Since this growth and stability has been built on helping people live healthier lives – there is something for everyone!

The old phrase is, “only time will tell”. Well time is talking, and this year it is talking about growth! When I was was first introduced to this online shopping club these 12 points of interest were shared with me (View article – Does the concept of working from home intrigue you). Two of these points are related to the financial stability of the company and ring even more true today than they did 5 years ago.

Being Coachable

You have probably heard it most in connection with sports; he or she is “coachable”. While it is certainly relevant to the sports model, have you considered how it also applies in the business environment as well.

It’s not complicated. Listening and learning should be an everyday activity as you grow and develop yourself and your business. Being coachable has a lot to do with linking yourself with one (or a few) trusted mentors. It involves absolute trust in the lessons they provide, just as in sports. Even if it sounds unreasonable or doesn’t make sense, it will as you grow in your business.

We aren’t saying your  ideas and concepts don’t have relevance—they do—but the experience of those you choose as your coaches offers a history of success. That history  is why you chose them.

As you grow and expand personally and professionally, you’ll find a plethora of people and information that are relentlessly trying to influence you and your decisions. This “white noise” must continually be filtered and your coaches can help you sort them into “What is true” and “What isn’t true” categories. This is an ongoing practice.

I have attached an article from INC. to clarify some of information you need to make sound decisions. Choosing your coach or a team of coaches is an indispensable part of your own success. Vett their credentials carefully. What have they accomplished? Do other business people have good things to say about them? Are they focused on you and your goals and not their own? You have an obligation to yourself to be selective and scrupulous in choosing those whose lead you will follow. Remember good leaders are coachable themselves. Now go play the game to win.



Great Coffee

The most popular hot beverage in this country is coffee. Millions of us enjoy a hot cup of coffee or two to start our day (or throughout). In searching for the best way to make a great cup of coffee we turned to (where else) the National Coffee Association.

Attached are some guidelines that the association recommends. Their advice in this article ranges from cleaning your equipment properly, to the beans, to the freshness, to the grind, to the water, including the ratio of water to coffee, the temperature of the water, brewing time. Some great basics that can make us all better at brewing that perfect cup.

Great coffee the NCA points out starts with great beans. That means that the beans you choose should match your own personal taste. The roast, the origins and even the preparation are matters of your own taste, so don’t hesitate to experiment while you search for you own “magical cup”.

A couple of years ago, my company introduced coffee to its wellness line of products. It took them years of research and tasting to find just the right beans and places that they were grown. The company is driven by quality so the research was an important part of introducing coffee to their product line.

They wanted to be sure that the coffee we offered was proprietary, so they contracted to purchase the entire production of the beans and the plantations they chose. Even the plantations and their locations are kept a secret to prevent duplication of our superior brand. The company did all that. All I have to do is enjoy a cup of this most delicious brew and it is priced so competitively that I am able to enjoy it every day.

What Does The Top Of Your Desk Say About The Quality Of Your Work?

We have all been there. We sit down and realize the condition and organization of the top of our desk leaves something to be desired. Don’t be too tough on yourself it happens to all of us, at least from time to time.

The top of your desk DOES say something about you. Neatness can mean you are goal oriented or driven to succeed. While a messy or disorganized desk can indicate a creative thinker that can find untraditional ways to get things accomplished.

I am fortunate that the company that I represent has leaders that coach feverishly and diligently to the point where they have created a web-based system of organization that is customized for the organization of my business. The result? I am able to keep a routine, which gives me a sense of security unmatched to any other career in which I have been involved. It allows me to duplicate and that repetition makes me better at my job and at leading my people.