You Don’t Know Until You Know…

then you do better!

Twenty years ago I ditched toxic cleaners and household products. I had no idea how harmful they were until my toddler nephew came close to getting into the cabinet under the sink—you know, the one where you keep all of your cleaning products.

Even with safety latches in place and near constant supervision he came close to being seriously harmed or possibly worse.

Every day reputable studies are telling us how dangerous the ingredients in our cleaners and personal products are. What are you waiting for? I don’t care what company or products you switch to, I just want you to switch!

Check out this study that was forwarded to me today by a friend. Click Here

Spring into Summer Cleaning

What a perfect time to make the switch and go green. Why? The proof is there. Studies by the EPA, CDC, NIH and especially the Lung Study. Here are some findings from that study:

  • Weekly use of national brand home cleaners are as damaging to lungs as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years
  • Women are affected more than men
  • Cleaning at home is just as harmful as being an occupational cleaner, if not more so
  • Liquid cleaners are just as dangerous as sprays
  • Dangerous chemicals, including ammonia, bleach and quaternary disinfectant compounds appear to be primary culprits
  • Women who regularly use cleaning products have increased rates of asthma
  • Damage is cumulative over time

Unfortunately, some products are marketed as green when they really aren’t. And then products that you touch everyday, like your Dawn dish soap have FORMALDEHYDE in them. What touches your skin is absorbed by the skin!

This is one of the easiest steps to creating a healthy home! Let me help you!

Discover the Magic of Magnesium!

Did you know that magnesium plays a crucial role in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body?

From supporting muscle function; increasing overall health; reducing stress; promoting pancreatic health; and encouraging better sleep—this mighty mineral offers a plethora of health benefits.

Daily recommendations are around 400 mg for adults.
A few food options include:
• Almonds – 1 oz = 89 mg
• Chia seeds – 1 oz = 111 mg
• Pumpkin seeds – 1oz = 156 mg
• Spinach – 1/2 cup = 78 mg

Although those foods are all delicious – I prefer this pink drink. A single serving is a quick and easy way to get 250 mg!
Oh, did I mention it only has five calories? Say hello to improved health and vitality with magnesium!

It’s like Magic!

This is one of my favorite cleaning products.

Made to tackle the greasiest, grimiest messes indoors and out, this heavy-duty cleaner provides industrial-strength cleaning power to battle the toughest grease messes on your stovetop and in your oven without caustic ammonia, chlorine bleach, or other toxic chemicals.

I also use it to wash our cars. They always look pristine.

I love the everyday essentials I find shopping at my online wellness store. For the past 20 years I’ve been toxin free and eco friendly!

Wine Wednesday – Stone Fruit Sangria

A refreshing warm weather drink!

A festive drink that originates from Spain and Portugal, this seasonal sangria utilizes summer fruits, and swaps wine for sparkling water. Great for those poolside parties!

  • 1 large peach, sliced
  • 1 large plum, sliced
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 oranges
  • 2 apples
  • 1 ¼ cups sparkling water
  • Wash all produce.⁣
  • Place the sliced peach and plum in a pitcher.⁣
  • Peel the lemon and oranges.⁣
  • Cut the citrus fruits and apples into the appropriate size for the juicer, and juice in the order given.⁣
  • Pour juice into the pitcher, stir, and allow the stone fruits to sit in the juice a bit before serving.⁣
  • Add desired amount of sparkling water to the pitcher. When ready to serve, pour the juice in a small glass with ice.⁣

Makes: 20 ounces, plus the sparkling water.

How Often Do You Prepare Home Cooked Meals?

Home-cooked meals offer so many benefits:

  • A reduction in process food consumption — Processed foods generally contain higher levels of unhealthy fats, sodium, dyes, preservatives and added sugars.
  • An increase in the use of fresh produce and whole grains — This can lead to a diet rich in essential nutrients and lower in harmful additives.
  • A greater awareness of portion control and mindful eating — The process of cooking makes us slowdown and make us more aware of how much we put on our plates.
  • Cultivation of life skills — Involving our children in meal prep teaches them healthy eating habits and important life skills they will need as adults.
  • Enhanced mental health — Research shows that creating a meal can positively enhance mood as the creative process helps one experience a sense of achievement.

But there’s a bigger picture. Studies suggest that frequent family dinners help prevent issues such as eating disorders, alcohol and substance use, depression, and suicidal thoughts in teens.

We live in a world where we are less connected than ever before, so why not use cooking as a way to build friendships and family relationships!

Protect Your Cells from SUGAR DAMAGE

We all know that sugar is not good for us for a plethora of reasons, but did you know that excess blood sugar can lead to GLYCATION which accelerates body wide aging.

Diabetics already suffer accelerated glycation, but the destruction that happens from glycation can happen to people with normal blood glucose levels as well.

Thiamine is a B vitamin you get from foods like whole grains, meat, legumes and nuts. It helps cells in your body grow and work and is essential for energy production and brain health. Research suggests that Vitamin B1 (thiamine) can prevent diabetes induced damage in eyes, hearts and kidneys.

Remember, if you take B Vitamins, make sure they are methylated to ensure your body can absorb them.

My Two Cents Worth

If there’s one thing I would convert to better, cleaner and greener items it would be that supermarket laundry, cleaning aisle.
Did you know that it takes only 26 seconds for whatever your skin touches to enter your bloodstream?!
That’s mind-boggling.

The brand I use is made with zero carcinogens, zero parabens, and is free of so many other ingredients that you can’t pronounce.
I say, if you can’t pronounce it, it’s likely not something you want or need in your system.

And that’s my two cents.

I’m always talking about safer, better and less expensive

You hear me yapping about how I can promise you better, safer and less expense in your shopping if you shop where I do.

This week I received another reminder—my monthly shipment of Riverbend Ranch beef is coming soon, but I needed more ground beef before it arrived for an upcoming barbecue get-together. I ran out to a local store even though I am committed to wholesome beef when I am cooking – it is a major part of my eating to help me stay in focus. I was surprised when I picked up my package, I am pretty sure I hid my “sticker shock” when I paid for it.

I’m also pretty sure the store brand is not PRIME or HIGH CHOICE that was aged for 21 days right on the ranch Like my Riverbend Ranch beef is. Plus, it was nearly twice the price at $10.10 per pound. My Riverbend Ranch is $5.50 per pound (in a combo pack)


– Never Raised with hormones or antibiotics. NEVER EVER!

– Every cut is graded USDA Prime or High Choice and aged 21 days for maximum flavor and tenderness.

– Fully vertically integrated. We control quality through every step in the supply chain.

– Humanely treated and pasture-raised in open spaces by their own mothers.

– An extraordinary value for unmatched quality and flavor!

Take t from me, it is worth it!