Green Tea: A miracle beverage

Tea is already the world’s most-consumed beverage, second only to water, and its popularity is on the rise around the world. With gourmet tea leading the way, more and more people are discovering the magic of tea.

Green tea could be considered a miracle beverage because it is effective at fighting everything from cancer to acne.

Among the many health benefits of green tea may be boosting to the immune system. Green tea seems to have an impact on reducing the instance of catching a virus as well as reducing the duration of a virus. The antioxidants in green tea have been found to block the various phases of infection of healthy cells, weakening a virus and reducing the duration of cold-like symptoms and fever. This may be because green tea’s antioxidant polyphenols could affect regulatory T-cells that play a key role in immune function, according to research from Oregon State University.

Research on the benefits of green tea and cancer prevention is still in early stages, but the results are promising. Researchers suspect that polyphenols in green tea help kill cancer cells and stop their progression, an important role to prevent various cancers. The attached article from Readers’ Digest outlines many of the benefits researchers discovered.

In a study of 472 women with breast cancer, those who drank the most green tea experienced the least spread of the disease. Researchers also found that women in the early stages of breast cancer who drank at least five cups of green tea every day during their diagnoses were less likely to have the disease recur after they completed treatment.

In looking at more than 35,000 women in the Iowa Women’s Health study, those who drank two or more cups of tea a day were almost 30 percent less likely to develop colon cancer than those who rarely drank tea.

One Chinese study found that men who drank more than three cups of tea a day reduced their risk of prostate cancer by 70 percent.

In another study funded by the National Institutes of Health, 79 men with prostate cancer were told to either drink six cups of green tea a day or six cups of water. After three to eight weeks, the levels of prostate-specific antigen, a protein that may indicate cancer, were lower in the men who drank green tea than those who drank water. An indicator of inflammation, nuclear factor-kappaB, linked to cancer growth, was also lower in the men who drank the green tea.

In skin cancer studies, lab animals that were given green tea developed one-tenth as many tumors as animals that were given water. The EGCC in green tea inhibits the production of urokinase, an enzyme that cancer cells need in order to grow. It also seems to stimulate the process of programmed cell death, or apoptosis, in cancer cells.

Studies show that tea can help make your heart healthier; soothe arthritis; boost your brain; clear up acne; fight UTIs; relieve allergies; reduce puffy eyes; reduce asthma symptoms and reduce stress overall because of the high levels of antioxidants Green Tea provides.

We drink Hidden Garden Green Tea, iced or hot, it is a sweet, smooth Chinese green tea with a clean, refreshing finish. It’s light but satisfying, perfect for our evening treat.

Pour a cup, and let the health benefits commence!

It’s National Iced Tea Day!

National Iced Tea Day is  June 10th.

This day is set aside to celebrate one of summer’s favorite drinks. Whether it is sweetened or unsweetened, with or without lemon, it is loved and enjoyed all summer long.

Tea is already the world’s most-consumed beverage, second only to water, and its popularity is on the rise around the world. With gourmet tea leading the way, more and more people are discovering the magic of tea. In the United States, iced tea is popular as an alternative to carbonated soft drinks and makes up about 85% of all tea consumed.

It is believed that iced tea started to appear in the United States in the 1860′s and became widespread in the 1870s where it was offered on hotel menus and on sale at railroad stations. Recipes for iced tea have been found in The Buckeye Cookbook, published in 1876 and Housekeeping in Old Virginia, published in 1877. The popularity of iced tea drink grew rapidly after it was introduced at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis.

Today, iced tea can be found in many flavors, including: lemon, peach, raspberry, lime, passions fruit, strawberry and cherry.  It is found in restaurants, convenience stores, vending machines, grocery stores and self-serve soda fountains.

Both black and green tea have been recommended for a variety of positive health benefits, such as: reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain forms of cancer. Tea’s antibacterial and antiviral activity helps maintain good oral health and normal blood pressure aand in some cases help;manage weight control.

We like to make our iced tea with Hidden Garden English Breakfast Tea. It’s a full-bodied, invigorating blend of Indian and Ceylon black tea. It makes a delicious tall glass of iced tea and it is our go to summer cooler. What’s yours?.





Beauty Comes from the Inside

Shiny hair, robust nails, and bright skin can be signs of a great beauty regime…the things you do for the outside of your body. But as the article below from “The Healthy Food Guide” explains, your skin, hair, and nails are even more dependent on what’s going on INSIDE your body.

Your diet can be a huge determinant of the appearance of your skin, hair, and nails. The discussion from dietitian, Cindy Williams, speaks to the things that you can do to ensure that you are as beautiful as can be.

Be sure your diet includes plenty of protein (preferably lean) because our skin, hair, and nails are mostly protein. Essential fats are also part of internal health and beauty. Avoid the fats that are part of sugary snacks you may crave. The fats we refer to are essential Omega-3 and Omega-6 which occur in many seafoods. Eating fish, especially oily fish two or three times a week can help.

Foods high in iron not only will help maintain the cosmetic results you are seeking, it will bolster your energy levels, as well. Red meats are the best source of iron. If you avoid meats, you can get iron from legumes and whole grains, remember to assure proper absorption by supplementing with vitamin C.

Whole grains will add vitamin B (the skin vitamin) and the powerful antioxidant, vitamin E, will guard against dry skin. Nuts should also be part of your “beauty diet”. They provide additional essential fats. Nuts also offer a healthy alternative to higher calorie snacks and control your appetite.

Citrus for vitamin C, orange, yellow, red and green vegetables provide beta-carotene and vitamin A. Finally, hydrate with water and black, green and white tea to get the benefits of flavonoids which will help protect your skin from UV damage. 

I’m excited that the company I am associated with keeps its pulse on the consumer trends. They just developed an incredible supplement designed to target skin, hair, and nails. I plan on adding it to my daily supplements. Balance your dietary changes with healthy exercise and supplements that really work!

Central Body Fat

Fat, no matter where it is in your body, is not something that any of us desire. We diet. We exercise. It doesn’t seem to go anywhere. There are essentially two types of fat: Subcutaneous fat, the fat that can collect anywhere on the body. It is the “soft”, “pinchable” fat and visceral fat that is hard and usually appears as central body fat (right at the belly-line).

While there are indeed dangers to subcutaneous fat, it does not present the same level or volume of risk that visceral fat does. This article from Dr. Axe’ Food Is Medicine, focuses on the dangers of visceral fat, why it is so risky and the things you can do to get rid of it.

In general, what makes visceral fat so dangerous is that it collects around the organs. Certain types of body fat are really inflammatory diseases of their own. Visceral fat is excess intra-abdominal adipose tissue accumulation. It is deep fat that is stored deep under the skin, deeper than subcutaneous fat.

As this article clarifies, visceral fat is linked to many diseases, like cancer and coronary disease. It is by itself toxic and provokes the inflammatory pathways. It develops when communication between the brain and other major organs (the brain/body connection) begin to break down at its’ core are your blood sugar levels.

Increased inflammation, higher diabetes risk, difficulty in losing weight in general, higher risks of heart disease and stroke, dementia, depression and mood swings are just some of the consequences of excess visceral fat. The causes are overwhelmingly increased glucose in our bloodstreams. Controlling glucose is, therefore, the key to avoiding those consequences.

I take a supplement each day that controls the spikes in insulin and therefore the glucose that produces these and other problems. My company has developed and manufactures many high quality and affordable products that have helped me make the kind of adjustments in my lifestyle to keep it healthy and high energy.

Let’s Connect..

Barbara Hay
My Website


BULLETIN: Trying to quit smoking is difficult. This isn’t a stocking statement (particularly to those who are smokers). If you are a smoker, who finds it counterintuitive to use nicotine therapy to accomplish the task of being smoke/tobacco free, I have some alternative suggestions.

Your diet can influence your success in quitting smoking. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can not only aid in keeping off the weight which often accompanies smoking cessation, it also triggers brain endorphins to improve attitudes of “grumpiness” that can result from quitting the habit.

Another way to produce those endorphins is through exercise, and it helps with keep the potential weight gain at bay. Often, meditation can help with the multiple symptoms that a cessation regime can produce. Upping your consumption of water and herbal teas has also shown some positive results.

Essential Oils are another tool in the quitting smoking arsenal in fact, the attached article explains several combinations of certain essential oils that work to reduce cravings. They can be inhaled from the bottle or sniffed from a tissue or cotton square or diffused into your environment. Some of the essential oils that have proven successful are clove; clary sage; basil; and marjoram. But the list doesn’t stop there: rose; bergamot; lavender; ylang-ylang; patchouli and a wide variety of citrus oils (think lime; grapefruit; orange and lemon) have also shown success at stimulating, relaxing, relieving lethargy and irritability and agitation.

If you find the side effects and disclaimers that are attached to the nicotine based remedies, unacceptable, you may want to consider some of these alternatives to break your physical and psychological addiction to tobacco and tobacco products.

Of course, the quality and freshness of the essential oils make a big difference in their efficacy. I am associated with a company that manufactures some of the purest (and most affordable) essential oils available. The benefits of being successful in your quest to quit can add years and years to your life. Is it worth it?

Great Coffee

The most popular hot beverage in this country is coffee. Millions of us enjoy a hot cup of coffee or two to start our day (or throughout). In searching for the best way to make a great cup of coffee we turned to (where else) the National Coffee Association.

Attached are some guidelines that the association recommends. Their advice in this article ranges from cleaning your equipment properly, to the beans, to the freshness, to the grind, to the water, including the ratio of water to coffee, the temperature of the water, brewing time. Some great basics that can make us all better at brewing that perfect cup.

Great coffee the NCA points out starts with great beans. That means that the beans you choose should match your own personal taste. The roast, the origins and even the preparation are matters of your own taste, so don’t hesitate to experiment while you search for you own “magical cup”.

A couple of years ago, my company introduced coffee to its wellness line of products. It took them years of research and tasting to find just the right beans and places that they were grown. The company is driven by quality so the research was an important part of introducing coffee to their product line.

They wanted to be sure that the coffee we offered was proprietary, so they contracted to purchase the entire production of the beans and the plantations they chose. Even the plantations and their locations are kept a secret to prevent duplication of our superior brand. The company did all that. All I have to do is enjoy a cup of this most delicious brew and it is priced so competitively that I am able to enjoy it every day.


We all know that when we are thirsty, we reach for a beverage. Eight glasses of water a day, they say. Most of us do not thirst for eight glasses a day but there are good reasons, beyond thirst, to consume that much or even more.

Since your brain is composed of 80% water by weight, being dehydrated will prevent you from thinking clearly. If you find yourself with “fuzzy” thinking or without an accurate short-term memory, dehydration may be the cause. Even a two percent shortfall, can evoke these effects.

Similarly, dehydration can cause mood swings because water is required to transport nutrients and hormones to your system. At the same time, water (or hydration) transports waste. When it doesn’t, the function falls to amino acids (tryptophan and tyrosine) two mood elevators that, when they are used up, can cause depression.

Joint lubrication is also a function of proper hydration. Stiffness and even “faux” hydration can be caused by the lack of proper hydration. This explains why people with vigorous exercise regimes pay careful attention to adequate hydration levels.

Asthma and allergies are also linked to dehydration. The body produces additional histamines that seek water in the body. Histamines also regulate the muscles in your bronchial tubes. Most important, increased water intake correlates with overall better health.

Several drinks like coffee and alcohol actually have diuretic effects, even though they are liquids and can increase dehydration levels. Sports drinks can help with dehydration because they not only contain water but electrolytes. I choose to hydrate with a drink mix that provides 4 electrolytes (calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium) and not just the two provided in traditional sports beverages. So drink up. It’s good for you…in a lot of ways.

Growth In Tea Sales As Exotic And Premium Teas Become More And More Popular

Global tea sales have exploded as exotic and premium teas become more ubiquitous. Especially among millennials premium and exotic teas are more and more the beverage of choice.

This growth according to Beverage Daily will expand by 7 billion dollars before the middle of the next decade. There are plenty of reasons. Tea hydrates. It contains antioxidants. It is a stimulant, like coffee. There are more.

My company has just introduced a new line of premium and exotic teas that are all natural and delicious. They are so exclusive that they are grown in hidden gardens all over the world. So relax and enjoy a cup of one of the best teas.