Protect Your Cells from SUGAR DAMAGE

We all know that sugar is not good for us for a plethora of reasons, but did you know that excess blood sugar can lead to GLYCATION which accelerates body wide aging.

Diabetics already suffer accelerated glycation, but the destruction that happens from glycation can happen to people with normal blood glucose levels as well.

Thiamine is a B vitamin you get from foods like whole grains, meat, legumes and nuts. It helps cells in your body grow and work and is essential for energy production and brain health. Research suggests that Vitamin B1 (thiamine) can prevent diabetes induced damage in eyes, hearts and kidneys.

Remember, if you take B Vitamins, make sure they are methylated to ensure your body can absorb them.

Five Low Sugar Snack Foods for To Help You Sleep Better 

  • CHERRIES —They are a natural source of melatonin, the sleep hormone that helps regulate your sleeping cycles. 
  • ALMONDS — Packed with magnesium, almonds help relax muscles an promote a sense of calm.
  • GREEK YOGURT — Full of protein an low in carbs, greek yogurt can give you a satisfying feeling without spiking your blood sugar. It contains tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes sleep.
  • KIWI — Kiwis are packed with fiber and antioxidants, plus serotonin! This little gem is a natural mood regulator that helps calm the min and regulates sleep patterns.
  • PUMPKIN SEEDS — Loaded with zinc, they help to produce melatonin.

The Dangers of Aspartame

Artificial sweeteners in general are something to look at very carefully, but of all of them, Aspartame is the absolute worst! It is found in almost all diet sodas and zero calorie drinks like Crystal Light. It’s also known as Equal, found at your tables in your restaurants. In the 1980s, it was touted as the “healthier” replacement for the banned artificial sweetener, cyclamate.

You’ve probably heard about some side-effects, headaches and migraines, but did you know ALL of the dangers? I surely didn’t!

1. Eye Problems. Aspartame is made up of phenylalanine, aspartic acid, and methanol. The methanol is claimed to be potentially toxic to your retina and optic nerve, causing several forms of eye issues. It can cause dry eye, eye pain, and blurred vision as well.

2.  Diabetes. Some studies suggest that aspartame might decrease insulin sensitivity. A study done by the American Diabetes Association raises concerns that diabetics who eat meals with aspartame before exercise may see a drop in glucose levels.

3. Enhances Mood Disorders. Studies have shown that aspartame has adverse side effects on people who suffer from depression. It can enhance mood disorders. One notable study was even stopped prematurely because the effects were so severe. If you suffer from, or have a history of depression, your doctor should be aware of your diet, including any diet foods that contain aspartame.

4. Inflammation and Joint Pain. There have been several reports of joint pain and inflammation after consuming aspartame. It’s believed that many people are allergic to it—your body tries to protect itself from the chemical compounds found in the sweetener, resulting in an allergic reaction. Your soft tissues can become inflamed, causing pain and discomfort.

5. Hearing Problems. Several scientific studies, including studies by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), report that aspartame negatively impacts vestibular and cochlear functioning, which can begin with tinnitus (or a chronic ringing in the ears) and gradually develop into high frequency hearing loss.

6. Controversial Cancer Studies. Non-government funded studies show the link between aspartame and more specifically, to brain tumors. Even though two studies published by a group of Italian researchers (and cited by the American Cancer Association) link high levels of aspartame consumption to a heightened risk of certain blood-related cancers (i.e., lymphomas and leukemias) in rats, the FDA states that important data is lacking. 

Is it really worth the risk?

Sugar: The Dose Makes The Poison

300 years ago, the average person ate about five pounds of sugar per year. Today, the average person consumes nearly 200 lbs of sugar per year! At that dose, sugar is considered toxic. It can cause: Diabetes; Increased Inflammation; Heart Disease and Cancer. Since I’ve been having to watch my sugar intake, I’ve been reading labels and counting grams of sugar in anything and everything I purchase.

Did you know that plain, unflavored yogurt has about 9 grams of naturally occurring milk sugar, but a store bought vanilla yogurt typically has 30 grams of sugar. The manufacturer of the vanilla yogurt added 21 grams of sugar to give it that sweet vanilla flavor.

But you can make your own.
Buy plain unflavored yogurt (brands like Two Good only contain 2 grams of sugar. Read the labels!)
Add one teaspoon of real maple syrup and a few drops of vanilla extract.
Total sugar will be between 13 – 15 grams, less than half the store bought version.

Manufacturers add sugar because it is a cheap filler and they know it helps to addict you to their products!

Look at this comparison to the sugar in different products, I was amazed to see the levels of sugar!

Shop wisely for your health.  We got this.

Beyond Empty Calories: Curbing sugar intake

When it comes to weight management, refined sugar in all its forms — high-fructose corn syrup, dextrose, rice syrup, sucrose and many others — is certainly one of the top items to get knocked off an eating list.

Harvard University’s School of Public Health suggests that to achieve a healthy weight, you should limit “lower-quality foods” including sugar-sweetened beverages, refined sugar and highly processed snacks. But your waistline isn’t the only thing affected by excess sugar consumption. Overindulgence on the sweet stuff can affect you in some other surprising ways:

1. Sleep Interuption. According to the National Sleep Foundation, an after-dinner dessert is a great way to get a terrible night of sleep. In fact, the organization notes, the more sugar you eat during the day, the more likely it is you’ll wake up during the night. That’s because sugar lowers the activity of orexin cells, a neuropeptide that regulates how wakeful you are. More bad news: These cells also help control appetite, so if they’re feeling off-kilter, you’re more likely to eat more.

2. Increased Colds and Flu. When it comes to an effective immune response — your system needs to be on high alert during cold and flu season — sugar could be defeating your white-blood-cell army. When you eat a big dose of sugar, like a soda or a candy bar, you temporarily suppress your immune system’s ability to respond to invaders. If that happens occasionally, it may be no big deal, but since the effect lasts for a few hours, you could be consistently sabotaging your immune syste if you eat sugary food regularly.

3. Increased Risk of Heart Disease. Sugar can affect your weight goals, but it affects your heart even more. A major study published in JAMA Internal Medicine suggested a sugar-packed diet may raise your risk of dying of heart disease, even if you aren’t overweight. In the 15 year-long study, participants who ingested 25% or more of their daily calories from added sugar were more than twice as likely to die of heart disease than those who consumed less than 10% of added sugar.

4. Potential Depression. Although much is made of the mind-body connection when it comes to health and wellness, less attention has been put on the mood-food link. But sugar can be notorious for causing emotional fluctuations, including anxiety, frustration and even depression, according to Dr. Elson Haas, author of Staying Healthy With Nutrition. He notes that refined sugar has been shown to deplete important nutrients, such as protein, vitamin B, zinc, chromium and manganese—deficiencies can lead to lower levels of emotional and mental functioning. When these nutrients remain in the immune system, individuals notice a marked difference in their moods and emotional states.

5. Skin Problems. Refined sugar and many other high-glycemic foods raise insulin levels in the body and that increases inflammation. When that happens, the inflammation produces enzymes that break down collagen and elastin, the structural building blocks of skin. The digested sugar permanently attaches to the collagen in your skin through a process known as glycation, which results in sagging skin and wrinkles. Glycation can also exacerbate skin conditions like acne and rosacea. Plus, the more sugar you eat, the more likely it is you’ll develop insulin resistance, possibly leading to excess hair growth on the skin, as well as dark patches on the neck and other areas.

With side-effects like these, you might be tempted to swear off sweets forever. You really don’t need to cut out refined sugar products completely to see benefits and lower your health risks, instead, focus on mindful eating and awareness — in other words, make a sugary treat into exactly that, so it’s a sometime occasion and not a regular habit. Start by eating your next sugary snack very slowly, and notice how it smells as well as tastes. You don’t need to become a mealtime snail, but doing this a few times can help you “reset” when it comes to sugar—and helps to reduce sugar cravings. Being more mindful when you eat, especially when it comes to sugar, can keep you off autopilot and change your eating habits.

Blood Sugar and Insulin

The ability of your body to control insulin can make significant differences in the quality of your health. Insulin is a hormone that is generated in your pancreas. It is released, optimally, in small amounts throughout the day and in larger amounts after meals.

Insulin and its effects can also cause you to gain weight, battle metabolic issues and even lead to diabetes. The below article from Get Your Lean On gives you some insight and tips on controlling the insulin your body manufactures.

Try to avoid all forms of sugar. There are study results referred to here that will give you some reasons why. In short, sugar promotes insulin resistance. Refined carbohydrates are another food to moderate or avoid completely, if you are able to, since they are converted to sugars.

The article also recommends eating foods that are higher in soluble fiber and will help stabilize and regulate blood sugar levels. Soluble fiber also produces higher levels of good “gut’ bacteria and makes you feel fuller, longer. Regular exercise should also be a part of your daily, healthy regime.

Finally, increase your consumption of lean protein. It helps to absorb valuable amino acids that build muscle. Eating the right proteins is critical to the overall effect of your insulin “smart” diet, so pay attention to the types and amounts of the protein you eat.

You may also want to consider some supplementation in your plan, regardless if your goals are weight-loss or simply universal good health. My company has developed a great tasting shake in several different flavors that allow me to easily and conveniently control my blood sugar and insulin levels.